PMP Knives

PMP Knives offers high-quality folding and fixed knives for EDC and tactical use which stand up to toughest cutting tasks made with premium materials for its users.

PMP Knives, PMP, PMP Knives, PMP Knives for sale
PMP Knives For sale

PMP knives is known for high quality knives for users and knife collectors alike. It offers thick massive knives as well as more thinker and practical knives which do not look very eye catching but are great for everyday use.

PMP Knives for Sale

At Chicago Knife works, we have discount offers and deals on all PMP Knives in stock. We are offering free shipping as well as Buy 1 item get 2 free gifts offer on certain selected PMP Knives as per our offers terms & conditions from time to time.

The PMP Company works with knife designers from Switzerland, USA, Germany, China and Italy. Being a small yet premium knife manufacturer, PMP only works with original materials and make limited models which are available to its users keeping the high quality of its products.

PMP Knives is small knife manufacturing company formed by Patrick Holenstein in June 2017 in Switzerland. The PMP refers to first letter of his name Patrick whereas M & P are initial letters of 2 of his best friends.

PMP Knife Designers

Following is a list of PMP Knives designers currently or have worked with PMP Knives

  • Austria
    • Gerhard Haslauer
  • China
    • Kaidong Chen
  • Germany
    • Stefan Stuhr
    • Stefan Merk
    • Markus Reichart
    • Nick Mulle
    • Michael Saint
  • Italy
    • Carlo Maria Massa (Main Designer)
  • Russia
    • Grigory Matveev
  • Switzerland
    • Patrick Holenstein
    • André Perret
  • Ukraine
    • Kristian Keropyan

Where PMP Knives are made?

PMP Knives is in Switzerland. But unlike Fallkniven Knives, Svord Knives, Mora Knives, Esee Knives, TOPS Knives  etc which are mostly made in their home country, PMP Knives are mostly made in China.

Are PMP knives good?

PMP Knives are known for their massive pocket knives with overall closed size range of 4.25” to 5.25”. Yes, PMP Knives are good value of money as they used premium blade materials and affordable.  You can have PMP Pocket knives and in tactical Knives you can have PMP fixed blade knives & PMP Neck Knives.

Who Owns PMP Knives?

Patrick Holenstein is currently the CEO of PMP Knives and he is the one who founded brand PMP Knives since 2017 in Switzerland.

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