Battle Blades

Battle Blades Inc. are known for traditional weaponry manufacturing expertise with incomparable knowledge in sword making & other weapons.

Battle Blades Inc , BattleBlades Inc Swords, Battle Blades Inc knives, Battle Blades Inc knives for sale
Battle Blades Inc for sale

Battle Blades Inc.

Their extreme knowledge about historic weaponry lead them to provide museum quality products which is not good as decorative piece but are fully functional made by professional blacksmiths.

Battle Blades’ expertise are gained over the years with dedicated study of manufacturing process of different material along with consultations of experts. This results higher standards and now they are able to offer impeccable swords to meet the needs of discerning professionals at very competitive prices.

Each Battle Blade is forged, folded and polished by master swordsmiths in China. The Kosirae Swords are main line of swords Battle Blades Inc. manufactured with premium grade materials with deep inspections on each level of forging and polishing so the users get the very best of hand crafted sword.

​All Battle Blades comes in an embroidered sword bag with certificate of authenticity. The company believes in quality over quantity with superb edge and value users pay for their premium swords.

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